If you’re receiving this in your e-mail in-box that means at one time you signed up with One Wild Life Co. the mobile co-working lab and adventure company. A lot has changed over the years, but a cup of coffee out at the beach or around a campfire was always integral to the One Wild Life experience. It still is which is why I’ve started OWL Podcasts launching with a new show called Roast! West Coast that is all about coffee. All the details about the show can be found here on the about page. Interviews with coffee roasters, coffee education with my personal coffee sensei and lots more. Search for Roast! West Coast on your favorite podcast platform or find links to all the places the show is hosted here, and listen to the video trailers below.
We came together because of our love of the outdoors, and I hope you stay for this adventure into the world of coffee. The Roast! West Coast newsletter and podcast are always free, but there is a paid subscription featuring lots of bonuses including show transcripts, coffee discounts and gear giveaways and more. I hope you consider becoming a founder member of the Roast! West Coast coffee family. Subscribe before November 13th, 2020 and receive 20% of the annual subscription forever.
Ryan Woldt
Roast! West Coast
Follow @OneWildLifeCo. on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
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