Ryan Woldt on Keys To The Shop Pod
We joined the Keys To The Shop Podcast to chat about...everything.
Sometimes it is hard to take an objective look at ourselves or even understand how we’re succeeding or failing in a space. Recently, Chris Deferio from Keys To The Shop consulting and podcast invited me to appear on his excellent hospitality podcast to share a bit of my journey into this world.
It was odd to be on the other side of an interview. I think I blacked out for about 45 minutes, but Chris’ talent as a host and interviewer brought out a cohesiveness that I’m not sure I normally possess.
From Chris Deferio’s podcast notes:
Many, dare I say, all of us, who fell in love with coffee can trace our beginnings to a moment when something we experienced in the cup surprised us with its depth and character. It was a catalyst that set us off in the pursuit of understanding and experiencing that kind of moment again and again.
People are the same.
Ubiquitous en mass, until you get to know the individual and through relating their stories and experiencing their character, we are often surprised by a depth that begins to teach us that there is more to them and we can, if we allow ourselves, begin to pursue that experience again and again in our own conversations, or by providing a platform for those conversations to take place. Like a coffee house. Or in the case of today's guest, a podcast.
Ryan Woldt is a Wisconsin-born author, entrepreneur, and creative maker. He is currently the producer and host of the Coffee People and Coffee Smarter podcasts and a brand ambassador for Roastar, Inc., a coffee packaging company.
Ryan is a self-described creative raccoon, always reaching for the next shiny creative project to add to his current collection. Having grown up in a family restaurant, he has continued to keep a foot in the door of the hospitality space for more than three decades.
His passion for collaboration overlaps with his desire to make things. He is particularly drawn to projects in the hospitality space and recently launched a coffee collaboration celebrating the language of the Midwest called Yeah, No...Yeah Coffee with Minneapolis-based roaster Relative Coffee Company.
(Ryan currently lives with his wife and dog in Southern California, where he procrastinates before deadlines by drinking coffee, riding his bicycle, or reading a book.)
Today we get to hear Ryan's story of hospitality, creative pursuits, personal challenge and victory, and what he has learn creating a platform for the story behind the people of coffee.
I’m grateful to Chris for the kindness and the opportunity to share some of my thoughts on hospitality, management, and the role I see for the Coffee People and Coffee Smarter Podcasts in the coffee industry.
We all have stories to share not to mention art, concepts, lists of opening duties…
Okay, that last one might just be cafe managers. If you have something to share consider submitting to our Bean Journal efforts. We can be a platform for your work. Details here:
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