Topic: Parsing Coffee Descriptions
Coffee Smarter Expert: Jared Hales, Hacea Coffee Source
Connect: • @haceacoffeesource on Instagram

It can be overwhelming to navigate the various descriptions of green and roasted coffee. There isn’t a set of rules that applies to the data we’re receiving, and because taste is subjective, we’re also navigating information that is impacted by opinion.
It can help to use the information provided to create a bigger picture—context for the beans inside the bag. Separate the factual data—things like elevation, processing, or type of cultivar versus subjective data like the green coffee importer’s tasting notes.
Trying the coffee when possible is always the best course of action.
If you can’t or you want to complement your own taste profiles, use the data points you have to create a flavor story.
Keeping a coffee journal can be really beneficial. If you’re tracking your coffee tastings you’ll start noticing trends that may be based on region or elevation or cultivar that you can narrow down as your data set grows.
Don’t forget that your preferences will change over time as your palate develops and changes.
Subjective notes from yourself in the past are still subjective notes that you can and should use as data points but not as a rule.
Depending on your role in coffee, you may not be making choices solely based on your own preferences. Do you need to consider the preferences of end consumers?
We mentioned education classes at Hacea Coffee Source. I highly recommend them. You can see all the upcoming classes here:
Coffee grounds are plentiful. Scientists have been looking at many ways to offer them a second life beyond being waste. On such group from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) in Brazil has discovered a way to use coffee grounds activated with zinc chloride to absorb the chemical bentazone from the ground.
Bentazone is common in herbicides and fertilizers and potentially harmful. Studies are mixed, but concerns often surround ground water contamination and impacts to animal life.
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Jared Hales of Hacea Coffee Source was featured in ShoutOUT LA. Check it out.
Roastar • Zumbar Coffee & Tea • First Light Coffee Whiskey • Steady State Roasting • Mostra Coffee • Coffee Cycle • Camp Coffee Company • Ignite Coffee Company • Ascend Coffee Roasters • Marea Coffee • Cape Horn Coffee Roasters • Hacea Coffee Source • Crossings Coffee • Acento Coffee Roasters • Sivitz Roasting Machines

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