Is the French press actually French? Maybe. Maybe not. The first patent for a general kitchen press design—Mayer & Delforge's cafetiere—dates back as far as 1852 in France. A more coffee-centric press appeared in both France and Italy in the early 1920s and in the United States a short time later. Popularity grew throughout Europe in the 1950s with an improved design by Faliero Bondanini, who began manufacturing under the Melior brand name.

Preheat the press with hot water, swirl, and toss rinse water before brewing.
Set press on a kitchen scale, tare the scale to zero grams, and add coffee grounds.
Start timer and pour hot water over the grounds. Set the top of the press (plunger and lid) on top of the grounds. Make sure the plunger is down far enough to ensure all the coffee grounds are submerged.
Be sure to pour the proper ratio of water to coffee grinds. For example, if using a 1:15 ratio, 20 grams of coffee would require to 300 grams of water to be brewed properly. You may prefer a different ratio, so don’t be afraid to experiment. Generally, 1:15 up to 1:18 are the preferred coffee to water ratios to produce enjoyable cups of coffee.When your timer reaches 4 minutes, depress the plunger all the way to the bottom.
Pour your freshly brewed coffee into a mug, and enjoy!
The French press was the first coffee brewer that either Chris or I owned, which makes sense because it is a great brewer for beginners. It is very forgiving in terms of being precise when following a recipe.
The press is a full-immersion brewer. Meaning that the coffee is submerged and soaking in the water during the extraction time.
Those grinds should be fairly coarse. This is good because even low end burr grinders can often achieve a successful coarse grind. We definitely recommend that grinder be a burr grinder, and not a blade grinder.
The oils found in the coffee bean stay in the coffee because there is no a paper filter. This can create a richer, full-bodied mouthfeel, but can also overwhelm some of the more nuanced flavors found in coffee, especially a lighter roasted coffee.
The French press is not only for beginners. It is a versatile brewer that is easy to get started with but allows for the continued experimentation and advancement of your coffee brewing skill.
I’ve been using a French press to brew coffee at home since the beginning and it is still my favorite brewer. It is easy to use, lets me brew in bulk, and it brings out a beans darker, chocolatey, earthy notes due to the retention of the coffee oils.Most studies show that drinking coffee in moderation can be good for ones health. Brewed coffee does not contain actual cholesterol, it does have two natural oils that contain chemical compounds–cafestol and kahweol–which can raise cholesterol levels when consumed in large quantities.
These oils also impact flavor! The metal mesh filters of a French press don’t strain the oils out of your coffee in the same manner that paper filters with their finer weave do. More details can be found on WebMD. Additives to your coffee—for example, dairy products, sugars, and syrups—can also impact your health.
Coffee Smarter and Roast! West Coast are listener & reader-supported podcasts and publications. There are a bunch of crazy, cool coffee-drinking humans who make this all possible. If you are able and find value in this show, please subscribe. We couldn’t do this show without craft coffee drinkers like you!
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