Roast! West Coast
Coffee Smarter
Get On Your [Coffee] Grind

Get On Your [Coffee] Grind

Coffee Smarter Season 2: Episode 2

Topic: Coffee Grind Size
Chris O’Brien, Coffee Cycle Roasting
Title: Founder & Head Roaster
Connect: Coffee Cycle • @coffeecycleroasting

If you were going to spend the money on one thing…

We get asked this a lot. The answer is simpler than most people presume. It’s a high-quality, consistent burr coffee grinder. I like the conical grinders and Chris prefers flat, but both will do the job.

A good grinder will be the difference maker when attempting to brew a good cup of coffee. It is a lot harder to brew good tasting coffee if you’re starting with poorly ground beans.


  • Different styles of coffee demand different sizes of grind

  • Brewing stronger or weaker won’t change the amount of caffeine in a given amount of coffee.

  • Finely ground coffee creates smaller coffee bean particles. During brewing, more coffee is exposed to water, leading to a quicker extraction. Finer grinds are commonly found in pour-over coffees like the V60, where the extraction occurs while the water finds its way through the beans.

  • Conversely, coarsely ground coffee creates larger (or thicc, as the kids say) coffee bean particles. During brewing, extraction will be slower because the water isn’t exposed to as much surface space as the coffee. Think of a coarse grind for a coffee brewed as a French press. Extraction from the larger coffee particles happens over an extended brewing recipe because the entire particle is submerged.

  • Whatever size grind you use for your coffee, you’ll want those particles to be relatively uniform to avoid uneven flavor extraction.

  • A visual examination of coffee grinds on a white sheet of printer paper will give you a lot of answers.

  • Your grinder might claim 8, 10, or even 20 different grind options, but realistically, only some will be viable. The coarser a grind setting, the less consistency we’ve seen in consumer-level grinders, especially at the low end, but even among respected brands at higher prices.

  • Finally, most reputable coffee roasters—like Coffee Cycle Roasting—want you to make a great cup of their coffee at home. Click the button below to set up a Coffee Cycle Roasting subscription.



  • If you follow the Roast! West Coast social medias (@roastwestcoast) you may have noticed a new coffee drinking buddy joining me out at all my favorite coffee haunts. Quito Whiskey Thundernuts Woldt-Hankes the Fourth is part Boston terrior, part pug, maybe part beagle, and all joy, all the time.

    A small white and black terrier (dog) sits in front of a glass door at a restaurant with a decal welcoming service dogs and a dog icon that looks like him.
    His only service is being awesome, so he has to wait outside sometimes.

    This week he suffered a fall while playing with his friends. After a lot of back and forth with the incredible team at Cardiff Animal Hospital, we learned he broke his jaw. As I write this, he’s going under surgery at an emergency dental veterinary clinic nearby. I’m scared for him, but confident he’ll heal up quick.

    Mostly, I’m glad we have an answer for the pain he’s been in, and he can join me in another coffee adventure sometime soon.*
    *Not literally. Coffee/caffeine is toxic to dogs.


A wide shot of a coffee bar and open coffee shop space leading to an outdoor patio. On the right baristas pull shots at an expresso machine and make pourover style coffees. The coffee bar is a soft blonde wood.
Steady State Roasting’s HUGE new expansion—indoors and out—is finally finished!

Shout out to Steady State for opening up the new South Wing of the tasting room and adding a lot of outdoor patio seating. Go visit.

A huge, on-going thank you to this show’s industry partners. Click these links!

Roastar • Zumbar Coffee & Tea • First Light Coffee Whiskey • Steady State Roasting • Mostra Coffee • Coffee Cycle •  Camp Coffee CompanyIgnite Coffee Company • Ascend Coffee Roasters • Marea Coffee • Cape Horn Coffee Roasters • Hacea Coffee Source • Crossings Coffee • Acento Coffee Roasters

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Roast! West Coast
Coffee Smarter
Coffee Smarter is a podcast and newsletter geared towards enabling you to brew a better cup of coffee at home. We ask coffee experts questions ranging from beginner to advanced covering topics involving brewing, drinking, and producing coffee. Learn more about the history, economics, and social impact of coffee. Plus additional advice on products, tips on home roasting, and a hands-on examination of your favorite coffee gear.